White House Collection

Having been a wedding/portrait photographer for over forty years, I understand that one of the keys to a successful business is having reliable suppliers. The Edge has certainly proven to be a leader in their field. Thanks again to everyone at The Edge for their great service and consistent quality.

Bernie Griffiths
Gregory''s Photography
Melbourne, Australia

How to Order

Getting Started with the White House Collection

1.  Before you begin, you need to ensure you are a registered customer with The Edge. If you are already registered and have a customer ID, you may use this same ID when ordering the White House Collection.  If not, please click here to register and obtain your customer ID.

2. When you are ready to place your order, download the ROES – White House Collection software.   It will prompt you to enter your customer account details and sign in.
ROES  is an easy to use, cross-platform ordering solution for our most popular products and services.
The ROES software is very easy to launch and install, and will automatically update with any new products and services we add. Using the software is simple: select a folder of images, select a product you want to order, and drag the image you want into the product in the middle.

3. PLEASE NOTE that ROES is not a designing software program.  It’s simply an online ordering system that gets your files to the lab with clear instructions as to what you are ordering.  You must design and correctly size your products first in Photoshop, In Design or any other designing software that will enable you to output your files as jpegs.



Preparing your files

Colour Profiles

Set your working colour space to Adobe or sRGB but ensure that you have your colour setting set to CONVERT embedded file to the working colour space.

Here’s how to properly setup your Adobe Photoshop Color Settings:

1. Open Photoshop
Mac OS X Users: Go to Photoshop in the Menu Bar > Color Settings
Windows Users: Go to Edit in the Menu Bar > Color Settings

2. Select a Working Space for RGB Files.
We recommend either Adobe RGB (1998) or sRGB IEC61966-2.1.
If you are unsure, you probably want sRGB IEC61966-2.1.

3. Select “Convert to Working RGB” next to RGB under Color Management Policies.

4. Check “Ask When Opening and Ask When Pasting” next to Profile Mismatches.
Whenever you open a file that is saved and tagged in a color space other than your working space, Photoshop will prompt you to convert to the working color space. When you save your JPEGs out of Photoshop, make sure to check the “Embed Color Profile” checkbox in the Save dialog box. Without this checked, we  do not know the color space of your files, and you will have unpredictable color in your prints.


Looking for directions on how to design, prepare and order many of our products?

View our Preparing files for Press Printed Products PDF.


Most of our products have free sizing templates available to help you when designing the product. These are JPEG files prepared at the correct sizes and saved with Photoshop guides showing the important safe lines, bleed, fold lines and spines etc.  You must open them in Photoshop to show the guide lines.  Drag your design on to these sizing templates and check to see all of your images and information appear safely within these lines. Flatten and save ready for sending.

Boutique Cards

Size and shape templates for all shapes and sizes of Boutique Cards are available as layered PSD files.   Make sure to follow the directions in the PSD file and to delete the instructions and shape outline layer before sending your file!

Frequently Asked Questions


Pre-designed templates

If you would like to purchase pre-designed templates, we have those available as well!

Visit focused.whcc.com for a list of websites that supply Pro-Photoshop templates for Photographers.


ROES is an easy to use, cross-platform ordering solution for our most popular products and services.

The ROES software is very easy to launch and install, and will automatically update with any new products and services we add. Using the software is simple: select a folder of images, select a product you want to order, and drag the image you want into the product in the middle. Finishing services can be ordered on a per print basis.  ROES Orders:

Cross platform -Mac or Windows
Access to our most popular products and services
Pricing is visible inside the software

ROES Software:
Free for Edge clients.

CLICK HERE to download ROES – THE WHITE HOUSE COLLECTION and start ordering now.

ROES is a great solution for any photographer. The visual interface makes ordering simply what you see is what you get.


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